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2 May 2017

I am only at the beginning and I have already fallen in love with this work.

It represents the hands of my MOTHER.

Protective, gentle, warm hands. Hands that have always raised and accompanied me.

Since I moved more than three hundred kilometers from these hands, I miss them.

In this way I seem to have them with me, and to exorcise this melancholy through oil and canvas that makes me want to hold them again.


23 May 2017

I continue with the drafting of oil glazes to represent his hands.

Hands of a worker, a childhood in the fields and an adult age dedicated to children.

The important thing, in order to best render the shades and lights, is to combine cold colors with warm colors. Only in this way can they vibrate. The use of blue and yellow is essential, even if it seems incredible to think of the presence of these colors in the human complexion.

The work is almost finished, and it is already my favorite.


22 June 2017

MOTHER, oil on canvas, 40 x 40cm. Year 2017.

A work that is particularly dear to me. A work that took me a long time, nights, love.

The hands of my mother, the hands of all mothers.

The wrinkles of time and effort, of a thousand caresses to three daughters who have grown up with strength and constancy. The rings she has worn all her life. The nails once long and neat, now shortened by necessity. The bluish veins that she passed on to me too. The knuckles red from the work of a lifetime.

Hands that I would recognize among thousands.


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