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ELLE Italia

March 2015



"She was born in Chivasso, Self-taught, in elementary school she filled notebooks with drawings, her eyes the focal point of her. She tried to divert, to escape, to London with the backpack, to restaurants to work at the tables - but she found herself with pencil in hand drawing on the order pad. Now she knows that she only has to paint, she is her freedom. First the portraits for family and acquaintances, since 2012 she finally a studio, exhibitions, awards. Every morning she gets up with a smile. She travels as much as she can, even alone: ​​"Meeting distant and different people makes us understand that the world is a great work of art. This is why I portray people of different cultures, languages ​​and ethnicities. Through their eyes I can imagine the world they come from, ”she says. But then she comes home, and she uses the portrait too to construct her Tales of her: story-paintings that incorporate bills, pages of novels, photographs. It is worth seeing her paint, on her website, in the videos that show her at her work. "

Pia Capelli for Elle Italy, March 2015

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